Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Theories of Policy Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Speculations of Policy Process - Essay Example The hypothesis infers a few strategies can possibly change if certain controls like tenacity and stakes of an organization are accessible. Arrangements are classified into long haul approaches and transient strategies. A model is if the country’s constitution expresses that a president should run for two terms it is hard to actualize another strategy, which proposes that the president must guideline for one term, or three terms. Punctuated balance hypothesis tries to clarify basic perceptions like political procedures. Political procedures are persistently connected with incrementalism and dependability; they once in a while produce huge scope takeoffs from an earlier time. Most arrangement zones experience balance despite the fact that an emergency can happen. America is encountering enormous scope changes in policymaking and legislative issues. Some Government projects can be modified so as to suit change. Qualities The hypothesis incorporates times of balance or close to harmony. If an issue is seized by a subsystem and times of disequilibrium, at that point a large scale political plan happens. A full scale political plan can progress to the degree of causing changes in the strategy procedure. Consequently, as indicated by this hypothesis little changes bring about huge changes. Shortcoming The hypothesis is just appropriate to circumstances confronting balance or harmony. If there is no harmony factors and requirement for change, at that point the approach neglects to exist. The Stage Heuristic Theory The hypothesis expresses that the most ideal approach to contemplate policymaking is to separate it to stages.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Female representation in computer games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Female portrayal in PC games - Essay Example The paper Female portrayal in PC games finds the Images of Women in Computer Based Gaming. The game World of Warcraft permits the player to make their own portrayal, however the vast majority of the females and guys have sexualized portrayals that draw in the client in genuine externalization of the human structure. In a conversation of the speculations proposed by John Berger, the nature of the customer to craftsmanship can be seen through the assessment of the workmanship and symbolism that has been created in the gaming scene. The idea of gaming is to such an extent that it makes an elective space in which female and male typification is locked in so that not exclusively is the idea of the human moved into an alternate space, the moves that are made as portrayals of brave are put inside the sexual dream space. Pictures that are utilized for gaming are portrayals of contemporary workmanship, made through various mediums utilized for various purposes. A large portion of it is made t hrough PC age, yet there is a lot of craftsmanship that is done through the conventional mechanism of canvas and brush with either oils or acrylics. These pieces are utilized for limited time esteem, despite the fact that PC age of pictures has progressed to where aesthetically rendered work is fundamentally the same as that which used to require canvas and paint. For instance, Fig.1, Fig. 2 and Fig. 3 are a female and male characters from World of Warcraft, rendered aesthetically as an emotive piece which is planned. to connect with the shopper by making envy. Berger talks about the job of jealousy in charm, the nature of utilizing the buyer with traits of an authentic figure that can never be accomplished, along these lines keeping up a desirous association which is never moved to the customer. La Grange summarizes Berger and states that â€Å"The envision themselves changed by purchasing the item and jealousy this changed self. In actuality, the exposure picture has brought down the spectators’ confidence and offers it back on the off chance that they purchase the product†(8). Gaming truly offers the experience of turning into the fortunate figure, the purchaser ready to control the activities of the character, accomplishing objectives and formulating all necessary plans through that picture. Berger talks about the manner by which the character and oneself are joined with the idea of proprietorship and jealousy. In claiming a thing, the ideal impact is to have become the portrayal of how that thing makes the character of oneself. In claiming something, there will never be a result of genuine joy, yet a development towards obtaining the following thing. La Grange expresses that Berger suggested that â€Å"The individual is caught between what he is and what he might want to be†(9). In picking what to purchase, the individual looks to discover bliss, but since joy can't be accomplished by the procurement, the individual is basically wea k. Somehow or another, gaming fills this hole as the control of the picture that has been picked turns into an augmentation of oneself, the individual set inside the space of the game as that picture and securing through the decisions that are made about the activities of the picture. La Grange clarifies the connections of the responsibility for as it is applicable to the character. She expresses that through Berger, it very well may be seen that â€Å"oil painting commended private property; it communicated the possibility that you are what you haveâ€
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
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Saturday, May 23, 2020
compare and contrast three core theories of counselling
Compare and Contrast the Three Core Theories of Counselling The British Association for Counselling’s Code of Ethics and Practice for Counsellors states that ‘Counselling may be concerned with developmental issues, addressing and resolving specific problems, making decisions, coping with crisis, developing personal insight and knowledge, working through feelings of inner conflict or improving relationships with others’ (BACP Ethical Framework). Throughout this essay I will illustrate the similarities and differences between the three core theories by looking at the theory behind each concept, the nature of the client/counsellor relationship and the techniques used. The three core theories to be considered here are Humanistic,†¦show more content†¦Winnicot introduced the terms â€Å"true self†and â€Å"false self†into the Psychodynamic language in 1960 ( D. W. Winnicott, 1965, pp. 140-152.). This shows a similarity between the two theories as they both show how those who step away from their real self or true selves and live in the adapted self or false selves, can often become depressed and un-fulfilled in their lives. The adapted self can also be linked to the defence mechanisms used in Psychodynamic therapy as it is a way to protect one’s self from reality. Unlike Person-Centred therapy Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientific model founded in the 1960’s by Aaron Beck. It joins the theories of both Cognitive therapy and behavioural. He noticed that many of his counselling clients had an â€Å"Internal dialogue†(Beck, 1979) that was often negative and self-defeating and influenced behaviour. He realised that by working on these internal dialogues and making them positive it could effectively lead to positive changes in the behaviour of the clients. CBT focuses on the images, self-belief and attitudes held by the client and how these things can affect the client’sShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding counselling theory. Essay example1389 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Macclesfield College ABC Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills Assignment 2 Understanding counselling theory. Unit 2- R/601/7575 Hana Lewis- 144383 ABC 17970-33 Contents Page 3 : Introduction. (157 words) Page 3 : Origins of Person- centred counselling (198 words) Page 4: Key concepts and principles of Person- centred counselling. (288 words) Page 5 : How does Person-centred counselling, influence the understanding of the development of concept of self? (245 words) Read MoreCOMPARISON AND CONTRAST THE THREE2573 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿COMPARISON AND CONTRAST THE THREE MAIN CORE COUNSELLING THEORIES There are three main theories of counselling: Person Centred Counselling, C. Rogers, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, A Beck and Psychodynamic, S. Freud. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
The United States Population Is Spread Out Across A...
The United States population is spread out across a spectrum of the political ideologies. We are typically seen as being on the â€Å"left†, also called liberals, or on the â€Å"right†, called conservatives. The two main political parties in our country are the Democrats, whose supporters are typically on the left, and the Republicans, whose supporters are on the right. These parties and their policies, however, are becoming more polarized and are attracting the more extreme members of their party and not the moderate voters, which make up the majority of the voters. By setting policies that the moderate voters would agree with can help political parties gain more voters, as long as they do not lean too far away from their base groups, or their strongest and more extreme voters. Republicans would gain supporters by changing their policies on free trade agreements, immigration, healthcare, and wall street to those that are more similar to the most of the public. These s upporters would come from the moderate voters, like the hard-pressed skeptics and the young outsiders, and some of the other liberal groups, like the next-generation left and the faith and family left. Today the Republican party wants to repeal all free trade agreements. This is in contrast with the majority of the general population, in which 59% believe that free trade agreements are good for our nation and 30% believe that they are bad. The Democrats on the other hand support most of the agreements that are aroundShow MoreRelatedThe New Waves Of Feminism821 Words  | 4 Pages New waves of feminism has been spreading across all states with each varying due to the political and cultural climate of said states. One example of this interaction between a state, its people, and the game that is social advancement is Iran. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Customer Service and Marketing at MM Free Essays
MM possesses a competitive position in this segment in terms of quality product offering and close customer relationships wrought high level Of customer support. 2. With intensive improvements in power-to-size ratios and customer service, we saw potential to regain and grow our market share in Segment A and anchor them as our main business. We will write a custom essay sample on Customer Service and Marketing at MM or any similar topic only for you Order Now Initially, we contemplated pursuing sales from Segment D and small customers. However, Segment Ad’s main concern turned out to be solely on price. To maintain them, as key customers, we would need to reduce list price substantially. This would prevent us from maximizing revenue and profit from other segments. As for small customers, we recognized an issue of channel inflict as these customers purchased through the distributor channel. We learnt through the simulation that distributors would vary their profit margins freely, and could at times sell the motors lower than our prices to large customers. Hence, to avoid this conflict, we decided not to focus on small customers. Furthermore, we also learnt that we could encounter low market share and decreasing profit margins if we tried to target more than 2 customer segments. So therefore, we decided not to pursue Segment D and small customers. How does customer satisfaction change over time? How do you balance hard reference metrics such as revenues and profits with soft metrics such as customer satisfaction? The segment of the motor industry in which MM operated was highly competitive, with over 1 00 participants. Over 70% of M’s revenues were generated from customers that placed large-volume orders. The relationship between MM and its customers was a close one, involving a constant dialogue between many participants. The quality of these relationships and the benefits gained by both sides were critically important to MM. However, customer interviews suggested that large customers were tarring to be dissatisfied with the quality of M’s sales team. We chose to allocate 90% of our sales force to the large customers since nearly all our sales volume were attributed to them whereas only 10% was allocated to small customers to provide space for our distributors to implement their own marketing and sales efforts. As we progressed, the volume we received from small customers dropped while that for large customers increased, in line with M’s marketing positioning. Hence, we further increased the proportion of sales resources for large customers to 98%, and also pumped in more ending on sales support for them. Since Segment A was our primary target segment, we allocated the largest proportion of our large customer sales support hours, I. E. 41 %, to them. Segment D, our secondary target segment was given 40%. We also gave 10% to Segment B, because we deemed that while Segment B continued to buy from MM, we should try to improve their satisfaction level, so as to avoid negative word of mouth in the market. The least attention, 1 0%, was given to Segment C, since they responded more to prices than sales support. The quality of sales representative interaction with Segment A was extremely high due to the large number of hours spent on them. The interaction with Segments B and C were good whereas the interaction with Segment D was fair. We managed to make Segments A and C â€Å"very satisfied†and Segment D â€Å"satisfied†at the end of the Simi lotion. Segment D did not register higher satisfaction due to the higher price compared to their expectations. Segment B remained â€Å"dissatisfied†, due to the lower thermal resistance offered by Our product. Given M’s market share and revenue challenges, our team determined the short- and long-term equines goals for MM as follows: 1 . Short-term goal: Acquire high market share in primary market segments. 2. Long-term goals: Attain consistently high profit margins and maintain market share. To achieve these objectives with a limited budget, M’s marketing strategy had to centre on value provision. Building on M’s original strengths, we saw the opportunity to delight customers with superior power-to-size ratio. We identified Segments A and C as our primary and secondary target segments, as their needs fell within the optimal zone where our product positioning could provide a preference. With the need to reverse declining market share and boost customer satisfaction, aggressive investment in M’s RD was necessary to build a strong and positive brand name for our power-efficient motors and manage internal costs. This allowed us to price our motors to create value for customers while extracting value for our business. Enhanced increased in our sales representatives and marketing communications were identified as critical in communicating MM motors’ value to customers, and formed the key differentiators in managing M’s dual sales force and distributor channels. How does customer satisfaction relate to customer loyalty? Retention is a reflection of a customers willingness to remain with a particular company’s service or products and is useful to measure customer loyalty. The relationship between MM and its customers was a close one, starting to be dissatisfied with the quality of M’s sales team. For the split between customer retention and acquisition, we learned that having a higher focus on customer retention produced much higher overall sales. Experience from earlier runs indicated that a high investment in new customer acquisition did not trigger proportionate increase in new customer sales. This could be due to channel conflict with distributors seeking to gain new customers as well. Therefore, our eventual strategy focused on customer retention as to protect our market share, and consequently, still generate new sales through referrals from existing customers. Our heavily trained sales force did a very good job in acquiring nevus customers despite their limited time on new customer acquisition and due to our high retention rate we could rapidly expand our market share in Segment A shows the sales split teen existing and new customers. How should you manage MM pricing? What does it take to justify price increase? How does price discounting affect the outcome? Market research proved to be an important tool for us to determine pricing. Initially, We thought keeping prices constant would help us gain market share that would compensate for the margin. However, we learnt that by adjusting our prices according to customers’ price expectations for Segments A, B and C was more effective in maximizing our revenues. Exhibit shows that as time passed, there was generally an increase in willingness to pay across these segments. Therefore, we increased our prices slowly to extract value for MM, while we aggressively increased power-to-size ratios to create value for our target segments. This enabled us to increase market share. Given Segment Ad’s price sensitiveness, we gave them maximum discount allowed as a sales strategy and attempt to claim market share in this segment. We kept our discount rate for the distributors constant so that the distributors can better plan their distributor margin depending on their business needs. Over the course of the simulation, our pricing (across all segments) increased by a total of 2%. A conscious effort was made to increase price at a slow and incremental pace to prevent price shocks and allow the market to stabilize in response to each price increase. Although flexibility in setting prices acts as a quick fix for the management to achieve short-term targets, it would send mixed signals to the market and hence should be avoided when possible. We observed that our competitors reacted to our price increases in the same direction but consistently kept their rates lower than ours. From these reactions, we realized that competing on prices would have a detrimental effect on our refits. How do you balance short-term and long-term investments? We invested heavily in enhancing our product’s power-to-size ratio as to build a strong brand name and gain a competitive advantage over our competitors. The market research was valuable to help us keep track of our product performance over competitors and against customer expectations, so that we can moderate our research investment over. Our strategic positioning on power-to-size ratio shown success as we observed from the market research that, after 4 quarters of the simulation, our competitors started to position homeless in producing high thermal resistance products and decreased their focus on power-to-size ratio. While we limited investments on thermal resistance to improve company financial, we were able to manage the thermal resistance performance against customer expectations such that sales and customer satisfaction of our product were not affected. In addition, we gradually increased our investment in manufacturing efficiency in order to keep the cost of goods sold under control in the long run How does channel conflict figure into your pricing decisions? How do you minimize channel conflict? How to cite Customer Service and Marketing at MM, Essays
Friday, May 1, 2020
European Agricultural Policy free essay sample
European Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) isthe set of regulations and practices endorsed by the EU to bestow a common and integrated policy on agriculture which proved a capacity to accommodate and alter in the face of new challenges. Its primary aims are: increasing agricultural productivity with the help of technological progression, stabilizing markets for agricultural products, ensuring reasonable standard of living for farmers, making goods cheaper and more affordable for consumers and last but not least supplying food on sufficient scale. There are several methods that CAP used to realizeits purposes, for example price floor. Price flooris minimum price appointed ‘by the government for certain commodities and services that it believes are being sold in an unfair market with too low of a price and thus their producers deserve some assistance’. As we see the graph below, price floor is a problem if it is set above the equilibrium price but not an issue if it is below the equilibrium price. . When the government installs price floor is above the equilibrium price supply will exceed demand. How? When the price floor is above the equilibrium price consumers do not intend to purchase as much quantity. The consumers will buy ‘the quantity where the quantity demanded is equal to the price floor, or where the demand curve intersects the price floor line’. Besides, the higher prices will spur producers to supply more than the demanded quantity. The suppliers will supply where the price floor equivalent with the suppliers’ marginal cost. Hence, it will induce surplus. The most powerful example of price floor effect was a ‘butter mountain’ and ‘wine lake’. There are numerous ways that governments use to avoid and mitigate enormous surpluses like the ‘butter mountain’ phenomenon. Firstly, they might buy the surplus up (from the taxes) and export it, but it makes the taxpayers worse off. Secondly, the government might set production quotas (lobbying for rights and even bribery)to motivate the reduction of production (in some cases literally pay farmers no to produce). Overall, a price floor has more costs than benefits for the government and society. Although, it helps farmers and a relatively small group of people, it hurts the major part of the society at the same time. It causes a deadweight welfare loss. It happens when the government accept a regulation that removes the market away from equilibrium, advantageous selling and purchasing that would have occurred can no longer befall. So, therefore CAP had to find another way to protect the farmers and to not cause problems in other parts of the society. To overcome the problem associated with the price floor the government adopted a policy to introduce a subsidy. The subsidy ‘a benefit given by the government to groups or individuals usually in the form of a cash payment or tax reduction’. This kind of government intervention is usually given to dislodge some type of burden and is usually regarded to serve the interests of the public. For instance in case of farming, the government might provide cash subsidies to farmers thus they can vend at a lower price that is what helps farming to survive in an extremely competitive market. As we see the graph above, the subsidy causes a right-ward shift of the supply curve. It means that farmers are encouraged to produce more food at lower market prices. The quantity demanded will increase because the price is lower which stimulates consumers to purchase more. The demand curve stays the same because the only change was to quantity demanded. The implemented direct agricultural subsidy by CAP has various effects on different parts of the market and society. The government will have financial costs which are what they pay for farmers to help them to be more competitive on the market. The farmers’ gain equals to the government’s financial cost. Thus, farmers will be better-off because of the increased income. The citizens, who are consumers and taxpayers at the same time, will have benefits and costs as well. Although, they will benefit fromcheaper products (consumer surplus) they will pay the government’s financial cost in the form of taxes. Finally, other international markets on broader scale will benefit if the prices of products become more expensive or they will lose if the price is less in the market. As the essay title given, we need to consider two methods of agricultural subsidy. In case of England, farmers receive cash subsidy for each hectare without restriction in terms of production. The problem with this method is that farmers do not have incentive to produce in the most efficient way because they get their money either way. Therefore, the supplied quantity will not achieve the expectations. We can clearly see (below) how farmers cut back their production and does not affect the amount of cash subsidy that they receive from the government. This sort of subsidy is an appropriate example to illustrate the misallocation of government resources. In the second case (Scotland), producers receive cash subsidy after production which result more effort. The farmers will get subsidy in proportion with production. Consequently, the subsidy will achieve the required result and increase the supply and quantity demanded simultaneously. However, subsidy raises the issue of equity (transfer of resources, government takes money from one part of the society (consumers) and give to another one (farmers)) we should consider the longer term effects and see that consumers will take advantage of it. The sufficient supply of food (especially in case of the example of Scotland) will protect citizens from dramatic tax burdens and prevent food shortage in the future. Personally I think, scrutinizing the consequences of two different approaches, price floor cannot help the economy effectively overall. On the other hand, subsidy is a more efficient way to protect the agricultural community without hurting other parts of the society. In my opinion we should adopt multi-dimensional approach. References: Gregory, Makiw and Taylor, M. P. 2011: Economics 2nd edition: 118-135. Paul,Krugman and Wells, Robin. 2009:Economics 2nd edition.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Importance Of Having A Value Base Social Work Essay Example
The Importance Of Having A Value Base Social Work Essay Example The Importance Of Having A Value Base Social Work Paper The Importance Of Having A Value Base Social Work Paper Social work involves working with some of the most deprived and vulnerable people in society. It is working with persons, groups and communities, seting into pattern Social Work Values that aid people to get the better of possible subjugation they face. The actions of Social Workers are to advance societal alteration, aid work out jobs and empower and liberate people to assist heighten their well being. ( British Association of Social Workers, 2002 ) It needs to be understood that Social Workers must be argus-eyed against the possibility of development or subjugation of Service users through unethical Practices. ( Thompson, 2005: Pg 108 ) All Professional businesss are guided by ethical codifications and underpinned by Values ( Bishman, 2004 ) and from the really beginning of Social Work, the profession has been seen as steadfastly rooted in values ( Reamer, 2001 ) ( Cited by Bishman, 2004 ) Every individual has a set of beliefs which influence actions, values relate to what we think others should make and what we ought to make, they are personal to us. ( Parrot, 2010:13 ) Although society may been seen as holding shared values we are all brought up with different personal values bases, this is an of import point to see when working with others, because our values can act upon the manner we behave. It would hence be seen as foolish to undervalue the significance of values within the Social Work Profession. ( Thompson, 2005: 109 ) Our Personal Valuess can alter over clip, and our behavior can change as a consequence of the state of affairs we are in. From a immature age one of the most of import values instilled in me by my parents was to hold regard for others, this should be carried throughout life as we should handle others the manner in which we would anticipate to be treated. The importance of holding a value base for Social Work is to steer Social Workers and protect the involvement of Services Users. ( Parrot, 2010:17 ) As a rehearsing Social Worker it is of import to recognize personal values and to be able to understand, state of affairss will show themselves were personal and professional values can conflict. It was merely when we had the talkers in that I began to oppugn my ain values. NISCC outlines a codification of Practice for Social Workers to adhere to, from listening to the talkers in category one issue that was highlighted was that of partnership. Partnership is now a really apparent portion of mundane linguistic communication of people involved in the procedure of supplying attention. ( Tait and Genders 2002 ) However it is non ever set into pattern. Mr Y referred to being kept in the dark about his unwellness, he was finally given a diagnosing, but it was neer explained to him what the significance of this diagnosing was or how it would impact his life. Social Workers have to exert professional discretion, due to the nature of their work ; opinions have to be made which involve values and effects that make the worker accountable for their actions. ( Thompson 2009 ) Partnership working is really of import for people with a disablement, I was able to recognize a struggle with my personal values when one of the Mr X spoke about a visit to the GP, where the GP was inquiring the carer how the Service User was experiencing instead that inquiring them, from listening to this I was able to recognize that this is something that I have done in the yesteryear and possible infantilises the person with remarks such as mentioning to them as we dote or wee pet and I neer thought that there was anything incorrect with utilizing these statements, nevertheless from the experience gained I can recognize that my personal values and the professional values are in struggle at this point. It is a manner of suppressing this person, and failure to advance their rights as an individual. When sing this in concurrence with the NISCC Code Of Practice, it was clear that there was a conflicting of values. NISCC states that as a Social Care worker we must protect the rights and promote the involvements of service users and carers as the Disabled Movement states Nothing about us, without us. We need to see the Service User position, one of the talkers stated effective partnership working should include the professionals and the Service user. Partnership is a cardinal value in the professional value base underpinning Community Care. Braye and Preston-Shoot 200343 ) Partnership should be promoted in several ways such as maintaining an unfastened duologue between professionals and Service Users, puting purposes, being honest about the differences of sentiment and how the power differences can impact them and supplying the Service User with information that helps to advance their apprehension. ( Braye and Preston-Shoot 2003 ) In the instance if the talker who was non given a diagnosing for a long clip and was merely put out of the adviser s office this cardinal countries did non use. Another issue that was striking was that of independency, ab initio my personal position was non of person with a disablement being independent, my personal experience in the yesteryear had led me to believe that people with a disablement required a batch of aid and were dependant on a carer to supply that aid, I did nt see them as being in employment. Some of these values were rather hibernating until I began working in the Social Care Field. The Speakers that we had in from Willow bank explained that they all have occupations and purpose to be every bit independent as possible. This highlighted the struggle between my personal and professional values which I need to be cognizant of. The NISCC codification of pattern provinces a Social Worker should advance the independency of Service Users, this is one struggle that I can admit with my personal values, I need to look at the bigger image an position the service users as single people with alone traits and involvements it is of impor t that they are non labelled due to their disablement, It is viewed that it is society which disables physically impaired people, disablement is something imposed on top of damages by the manner we are unnecessarily isolated and excluded from full engagement in society. ( Oliver 1996 ) My Personal position was that I believe that we should take to make things for people with disablements, I have frequently found myself transporting out undertakings for them that I know they are able to execute themselves, when the talker from 6th sense spoke about how she had been spoon fed and pushed around the resort area as a kid had gave her a sense of erudite weakness, it made me admit my ain actions. Again this is another country where my personal values conflict with the professional values. Respect for individuals in an highly of import values, although I believe I was brought up to demo regard for others by making dependence in a manner is disrespectful to the person. The publicity of independency is of import, it is important to see those with a disablement as single people. The NISCC codification of pattern high spots As a societal attention worker, you must esteem the rights of service users while seeking to guarantee that their behavior does non harm themselves or other people. Keeping in line with the NISCC Code of Practice I need to actively dispute my ain biass in order to guarantee that I am advancing anti-oppressive pattern. Bing able to understand the value conflicts in pattern can turn out to be really good. It can assist us admit the differences in the power construction, which can suppress the service user. Social Workers aim to authorise the Service User, to assist them assist themselves. It is of import that Professional values are ever at the head to advance anti-oppressive pattern. Social Work Practice is underpinned by Torahs, policies and processs. It is of import to ever be cognizant of the Service Users perspectives, this will assist guarantee more effectual and efficient pattern. Both our personal and professional values need to be acknowledged for effectual and efficient pattern. It is of small usage if Social Workers have a professional value base which does nt inform or act upon their pattern, Social Work moralss can be understood as Values put into actions. ( Banks, 2006 )
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Biography of Antonio de Montesinos, Dominican Friar
Biography of Antonio de Montesinos, Dominican Friar Antonio de Montesinos (?–1545) was a Dominican friar, attached to the Spanish conquest of the Americas and one of the earliest of the Dominican arrivals in the New World. He is best remembered for a sermon delivered on December 4, 1511, in which he delivered a blistering attack on the colonists who had enslaved the people of the Caribbean. For his efforts, he was run out of Hispaniola, but he and his fellow Dominicans were eventually able to convince the King of the moral correctness of their point of view, thus paving the way for later laws which protected native rights in Spanish lands. Fast Facts: Known For: Inciting the Spanish in Haiti to give up enslaving the native peopleBorn: unknownParents: unknownDied: ca 1545, West IndiesEducation: University of SalamancaPublished Works: Informatio juridica in Indorum defensionemNotable Quote: Are these not men? Have they not rational souls? Are you not bound to love them as you love yourself? Early Life Very little is known about Antonio de Montesinos before his famous sermon. He likely studied at the University of Salamanca before electing to join the Dominican order. In August 1510, he was one of the first six Dominican friars to arrive in the New World, landing on the island of Hispaniola, today politically divided between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. More clergy would follow the following year, and by 1511, there were about 20 Dominican friars in Santo Domingo. These particular Dominicans were from a reformist sect, and they were appalled at what they saw. By the time the Dominicans arrived on the Island of Hispaniola, the native population had been decimated and was in serious decline. All of the native leaders had been killed, and the remaining indigenous people were given away as slaves to colonists. A nobleman arriving with his wife could expect to be given 80 native slaves: a soldier could expect 60. Governor Diego Columbus (son of Christopher) authorized slaving raids on neighboring islands, and African slaves had been brought in to work the mines. The slaves, living in misery and struggling with new diseases, languages, and culture, died by the score. The colonists, oddly, seemed almost oblivious to this ghastly scene. The Sermon On December 4, 1511, Montesinos announced that the topic of his sermon would be based on Matthew 3,3: â€Å"I am a voice crying in the wilderness.†To a packed house, Montesinos ranted about the horrors he had seen. â€Å"Tell me, by what right or by what interpretation of justice do you keep these Indians in such a cruel and horrible servitude? By what authority have you waged such detestable wars against people who were once living so quietly and peacefully in their own land?†Montesinos continued, implying that the souls of any and all who owned slaves on Hispaniola were damned. The colonists were stunned and outraged. Governor Columbus, responding to the petitions of the colonists, asked the Dominicans to punish Montesinos and retract all that he had said. The Dominicans refused and took things even further, informing Columbus that Montesinos spoke for all of them. The next week, Montesinos spoke again, and many settlers turned out, expecting him to apologize. Instead, he re-stated what he had before, and further informed the colonists that he and his fellow Dominicans would no longer hear confessions of slave-holding colonists, any more than they would those of highway robbers. The Hispaniola Dominicans were (gently) rebuked by the head of their order in Spain, but continued to hold fast to their principles. Finally, King Fernando had to settle the matter. Montesinos traveled to Spain with Franciscan friar Alonso de Espinal, who represented the pro-slavery point of view. Fernando allowed Montesinos to speak freely and was aghast at what he heard. He summoned a group of theologians and legal experts to consider the matter, and they met several times in 1512. The end results of these meetings were the 1512 Laws of Burgos, which guaranteed certain basic rights to New World natives living in Spanish lands. Montesinos defense of the Caribbean people was published in 1516 as Informatio juridica in Indorum defensionem. The Chiribichi Incident In 1513, the Dominicans persuaded King Fernando to allow them to go to the mainland to peacefully convert the natives there. Montesinos was supposed to lead the mission, but he became ill and the task fell to Francisco de Cà ³rdoba and a lay brother, Juan Garcà ©s. The Dominicans set up in the Chiribichi Valley in present-day Venezuela where they were well-received by local chieftain â€Å"Alonso†who had been baptized years before. According to the royal grant, slavers and settlers were to give the Dominicans a wide berth. A few months later, however, Gà ³mez de Ribera, a mid-level but well-connected colonial bureaucrat, went looking for slaves and plunder. He visited the settlement and invited â€Å"Alonso,†his wife and several more members of the tribe on board his ship. When the natives were on board, Ribera’s men raised anchor and set sail for Hispaniola, leaving the two bewildered missionaries behind with the enraged natives. Alonso and the others were split up and enslaved once Ribera returned to Santo Domingo. The two missionaries sent word that they were now hostages and would be killed if Alonso and the others were not returned. Montesinos led a frantic effort to track down and return Alonso and the others, but failed: after four months, the two missionaries were killed. Ribera, meanwhile, was protected by a relative, who happened to be an important judge. There was an inquest in regard to the incident and colonial officials reached the extremely bizarre conclusion that since the missionaries had been executed, the leaders of the tribe- i.e. Alonso and the others- were obviously hostiles and could therefore continue to be enslaved. In addition, it was said that the Dominicans were themselves at fault for being in such unsavory company in the first place. Exploits on the Mainland There is evidence to suggest that Montesinos accompanied the expedition of Lucas Vzquez de Ayllà ³n, which set out with some 600 colonists from Santo Domingo in 1526. They founded a settlement in present-day South Carolina named San Miguel de Guadalupe. The settlement lasted only three months, as many became ill and died and local natives repeatedly attacked them. When Vzquez died, the remaining colonists returned to Santo Domingo. In 1528, Montesinos went to Venezuela with a mission along with other Dominicans, and little more is known of the rest of his life except that, according to a note in the record of St. Stephen at Salamanca, he died in the West Indies as a martyr sometime around 1545. Legacy Although Montesinos led a long life in which he continually struggled for better conditions for New World natives, he will forever be known mostly for that one blistering sermon delivered in 1511. It was his courage in speaking out what many had been silently thinking that changed the course of indigenous rights in the Spanish territories. While he did not question the right of the Spanish government to expand their empire into the New World, or their means of doing so, he did accuse the colonists of abuse of power. In the short term, it failed to alleviate anything and won him fierce enemies. Ultimately, however, his sermon ignited a fierce debate over native rights, identity, and nature that was still raging one hundred years later. In the audience that day in 1511 was Bartolomà © de Las Casas, himself a slaveholder at the time. The words of Montesinos were a revelation to him, and by 1514 he had divested himself of all of his slaves, believing that he would not go to heaven if he kept them. Las Casas eventually went on to become the great Defender of the Indians and did more than any man to ensure their fair treatment. Sources Brading, D. A. The First America: The Spanish Monarchy, Creole Patriots and the Liberal State, 1492–1867. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1991.Castro, Daniel. Another Face of Empire: Bartolomà © de Las Casas, Indigenous Rights, and Eccleisastical Imperialism. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2007.Hanke, Lewis. The Spanish Struggle for Justice in the Conquest of America. Franklin Classics, 2018 [1949]Thomas, Hugh. Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan. New York: Random House, 2003.Schroeder, Henry Joseph. Antonio Montesino. The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 10. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1911.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Reality Television - Global Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Reality Television - Global Effects - Essay Example Charlie Parsons, the creator of the Survivor series defines it as programs containing created and monitored producer environment that control the participants’ behavior (Benin 2012, p.24). Kerrie Murphy, a television reviewer claims that the reality shows involves filming the various actions and perceived reactions in a set situation. The situation can be a normal one, or a contrived one as is the case in the huge global hit big brother shows. Bignell defines it as a program where the true behavior of the ordinary people is the key focus of people’s interest. The greatest aspect is the continuous monitoring of the contestants everyday behavior. Reality shows are similar to the soap operas and documentaries. Other reality shows have features common with talk shows while some are talent quests. The main issue that separates reality shows from other genres that become based on real life participants is the focus on their thoughts and reactions to the situation they get sit uated (Benin 2012, p.24). Globally, a number of factors have contributed to the success of these reality shows include: Human curiosity the public is always curious to know the mysteries involved in the reality shows. The producers introduce new tricks and formats to keep the audience glued to the screens. Anything new gets noticed quickly, and this is what attracts the viewers. Entertainment value is another reason. Continuously watching movies cause the mind to be tired and bored. It is here that the reality show takes over. They are full of drama, celebrities, laughter and talent. The shows feature acts that fill the human mind with the formatted programs (Benin 2012, p.24). Aggressive marketing is another factor of the popularity of the reality television. The adverts create the attention of even the uninterested persons. This is what the advertisers want and is what influences us to watching these programs. Also, the belief in reality shows that they are seeing the reality as i t is not different as the normal day routines. Having favorites programs is what makes the reality shows tick even more. Peer influence is another fact that trends in the reality show (Caryn 2003, p.17). Impact of reality television on TV industry and a global audience A number of critics view the reality television as a poison so injurious to TV and the society that it is totally destroying the TV. Globally, the ethics and morals of the reality television is questionable even if they go as far as achieving significant popularity and prominence in the society. This does not mean that they are agreeable to the community and that they should be aired. This show is damaging to the TV networks and society as a whole (Hummer 2004, p.41). Since reality television is a low cost way of telling creative and entertaining stories and attracts large audiences, it has become a headache to the scripted shows in television. They have forced the scripted shows to increase their creativity and try h arder to attract their audiences. Sitcoms had gotten monotonous and repetitive, and there is nothing new on dramas apart from repetitions. Reality television took things a notch higher globally by giving the much needed spark in TV industry. Shows like Lost got created due to the same reason. The directors and producers became forced to cultivate new grounds and try more creative techniques and formats (Beth 2000, p.32). Reality television has been globally detrimental to the TV industry since it takes a lot of programming time leaving the scripted
Monday, February 3, 2020
Understanding Health Disparities in Populations Assignment
Understanding Health Disparities in Populations - Assignment Example Lack of patients to offer services can result to losses in several aspects such as drug that might expire or the huge wages and bills without a return. The results show that Motivational Interviewing is the major coaching method used in healthcare centers. Therefore, the staff providing care services to the society needs a cultural background of the local community in order to deliver effective services that favor the wellness and goodness of the patient. In relation to cognitive theory outlined in the question, the healthcare providers need to change their tactics of service delivery depending to the target clients. The theory is used in the study when the cultural competency occur, especially during the recognition of illness and healthy of a patient by their cultural heritage contexts. In this case, the nurses need to adopt interpersonal and academic skills to increase their appreciation and understanding the patients from a cultural diverse community. The most effective strategy to make the health behavioral change is through training of both the patients and service providers. Training empowers both health practitioners and the patients to increase their knowledge of service delivery and develop adaptive mechanisms in cultural dynamics that benefits the minority
Sunday, January 26, 2020
New Labours Policy for Childcare
New Labours Policy for Childcare Title: New Labours policies in relation to children and families maintain a focus upon control of family life rather than supporting families. Critically evaluate the statement with reference to at least two policy areas Introduction: The social policies of any government are aimed at welfare and protection of individuals and promote economic and social development with the aim of establishing a welfare state (Ellison and Pierson, 1998). Effective social policy also helps individuals to lead a fulfilling life and in turn promotes the growth and change of economies. Bad social policy retards the growth of a country and its individuals and leaves people in poverty or social exclusion. In this essay we discuss the labour government’s social policies with regard to families and children. We will discuss a few major policy areas in children’s issues and family welfare and will critically evaluate whether these new labour government social policies are aimed at supporting or controlling family life. Social Policies – Family and Childcare After Labour’s advent to power in 1997, there have been substantial increases in spending on family care aimed at helping families with formal childcare, early education and work life balance (Brewer et al, 2005). The three major reforms in this area are To increase the generosity of and entitlement to paid (and unpaid) maternity, paternity and adoption leave To entitle all 3- and 4-year-olds to free part-time nursery education for 12.5 hours per week,33 weeks of the year; To increase the subsidies available to working parents for spending on formal childcare. We give labour’s policies on family and childcare as laid down in its manifesto for helping families. The key features are given as follows: Source: Brewer et al. 2005 Labour’s policies The main policies are in three areas of family life namely, maternity leave and pay, childcare element of the WTC and free nursery education. Maternity pay Increase paid maternity leave from six months to nine months in 2007 ( £329m) Enable the transfer of some paid maternity leave to the father (uncosted) Has set a goal of increasing paid maternity leave from nine months to 12 months by 2010 ( £195m) Childcare element of the WTC Increase the proportion of formal childcare costs that can be claimed from 70% to 80% in 2006 ( £130m) Free nursery Education Free nursery education for 3- and 4-year-olds for 12.5 hours a week, 38 weeks a year from 2007 ( £200m f) and 15 hours a week, 38 weeks a year by 2010 ( £300m) The Institute of Fiscal Studies (IFS) analyses that labour’s policies of increasing paid maternity leave from 9 months to 12 months will cost a minimum of  £195 million per year, There are also possibilities of behavioural changes, which may increase above-inflation earnings growth and if this happens, the costs of the reforms will also increase considerably. The IFS further suggests that all main parties are committed to increasing the proportion of formal childcare costs that can be claimed under the childcare element working tax credit from 70% to 80% in 2006 at a cost of  £130 million per year. Labour is committed to increasing free nursery education for 3 and 4 year olds to 12.5 hours per week and 38 weeks per year by 2007 and this will cost  £200 million per year and if this is increased to 15 hours per week , 38 weeks per year by 2010, this will cost the government  £300 million per year (IFS report, 2005; also see Brewer et al, 2005). The Labour government’s focus on family and childcare policies has been on three areas: work–life balance child care and nursery education; the affordability of childcare. Since coming to power, Labour’s emphasis on family issues have focused greatly on increased maternity paid leave. The trend has been to increase the right to time off for new mothers and pregnant women and to compensate them during this period. The legislations brought into place for implementation of these policies included the Employment Relation Act (1999) in the first term of Labour’s power and the Employment Act (2002) in the second term which increased length of ordinary maternity leave and relaxed employments conditions related to additional maternity leave. Statutory maternity allowance and pay levels were also increased. Issues related to household expenditure and child care and the influence of parental poverty affecting children have been major concerns for the government. The government has put reducing child poverty as its focus in improving child welfare policies since 1999 and reduction of child poverty is an important aspect of the domestic policy agenda that has led to increases in children’s benefits and tax credits for families with children. According to Goodman et al(2005), although these increases in tax credits and benefits for families help the government to meet proximate policy aims and help reduce income based measures of child poverty, by 2004-05 and by 2010-11 it will be questioned whether and how much these financial transfers and benefits have affected measures of well being , especially improved conditions of children despite increase in income. A new measure of child poverty as identified by the Government is material deprivation. Studies have indicated the relationship between family income and material deprivation in children and have highlighted how poverty and deprivation influence both parent and child health (see Daniel and Ivatts, 1998). However, Blow et al (2005) attempted an analysis of the child benefit system or the CB which is a transfer payment depending on the number of children in the household. The study indicated that Child Benefits do seem to have considerable impact on household expenditure patterns although the cash received as child benefit has been found to be spent not on child assignable goods but disproportionately on alcohol. This obviously is a shocking piece of information but the government’s new policies of relating family income with material deprivation or poverty of children needs to be analysed beyond just how the benefit system is used. Government’s policies towards childcare are aimed at reducing material deprivation due to family economic condition (Berridge, 1999). Information on material deprivation is however often collected as an alternative basis for measuring poverty, and poverty measures based on this type of information are often referred to as â€Å"consensual†poverty measures (Goodman et al, 2005). Material deprivation is however a vague term as the absence of certain items of consumption in the household is usually described as material deprivation of children. However, governmental definition of deprivation may not be tenable as the presence o certain consumable in the household can be matter of choice or preference. Goodman et al (2005) correctly points out that low family incomes may be a reason for material deprivation, yet the other possible reasons have to be considered. The government policies of providing increased support on the basis of the number of children in household can also be flawed. Health levels have been found to vary according to changes in income levels although Goodman concludes that if properly studied, material deprivation can indicate long term measure of family income. Goodman and associates suggest that ‘there is still a lot to do in terms of developing a methodology for analysis of material deprivation which would be consistent with economic theory and guided by stricter ‘scientific’ rules’ (p.11). Government policies of promoting family welfare and childcare, providing benefits in proportion to the number of children in the household, using family income levels as a measure of material deprivation and making provisions for increased paid maternity leave and increased nursery care have been criticised as more controlling measures to regulate family life rather than providing support. Hills and Stewart (2005) have criticised New Labour policies as although helpful in reducing child poverty is completely ineffective in promoting economic equality in society. New Labour has taken poverty issues, especially in children very seriously and aims to halve this problem by 10 years and abolish it in another generation. Yet Hills and Stewart point out, despite these moves, Britain continues to remain an unequal society. A study by LSE suggests that child poverty has been reduced considerably through tax and benefits reforms (also see Berridge, 1999). Yet, although low income families with many children seem to have benefited from the policy, poverty levels among childless adults have reached record levels since Labour’s policies in 1997. Yet a one sided approach is not the only criticism against Labour’s policies. As claimed by analysts, controlling rather than supporting, by providing benefits to only a category of people seems to justify the increased resist ance of Labour’s policies regarding family issues and child welfare. In fact, Giullari and Shaw (2005) emphasise that as far as social policy on families and children are concerned, teenage pregnancy has been the subject of attention in recent social policy. Whether teenage parents should get supported housing and other kinds of support from the government and the family has been a controversial and problematic issue. The authors suggest in their paper that New labour’s construction of teenage parents’ housing needs as an issue to be considered is in isolation from support. The paper focuses on family support and suggests that New Labour’s supported housing strategy ignores its fragile and individualised nature and also tends to disregard teenage parents need for independent housing and capacity for autonomous living. New Labour seems to show more control of the teenage parents who are perceived to be at risk of welfare dependency rather than a genuine concern for support. The paper argues that if New Labour is to show genuine sup port to teenage parents, then providing independent housing to these parents should be a primary strategy. Conclusion New Labour’s policies seem to have concentrated on abolishing child poverty, maintaining family as a unit, providing increased maternity paid leave, and implementation of legislation that seem to support governmental decision on family issues. The families with more children are given many benefits and financial support whereas the childless adults seem to have been neglected and show record levels of poverty or loss in income with no government help after Labour came to power. Abolishing child poverty by focussing on income levels of family that apparently seems to determine material deprivation again seems to be a flawed policy biased in judgement. This is because material deprivation of children, an issue taken seriously by the government may be a question of personal choice and preferences and some children who are provided with certain consumables may not need certain others. This policy thus seems to be flawed as the government may not be the right institution to decide material deprivation in children and stress the separation of children into deprived or non-deprived categories based on assessment of family income levels. Finally we have discussed the direct control of government in issues of teenage parents to prevent them from taking benefits from the government which suggest that arguments against government control in social policy initiatives with regard to child and family issues may just be valid. Bibliography Allan G Crow G (2001), Families, Households and Society. Basingstoke. Palgrave Berridge D. 1999, Child Welfare in England: Problems, Promises and Prospects, International Journal of Social Welfare, Volume 8,Number 4, October 1999, pp. 288-296(9) Blackwell Publishing Laura Blow, Alissa Goodman, Greg Kaplan, Ian Walker and Frank Windmeijer, 2005, How important is income in determining childrens outcomes? A methodology review of econometric approaches, Mimeos , IFS publication. August. Laura Blow, Ian Walker and Yu Zhu, 2005, Who benefits from Child Benefit?, Mimeos, IFS publication Mike Brewer, Claire Crawford and Lorraine Dearden, 2005, Helping families: childcare, early education and the work-life balance Election Briefing Notes, IFS publication Daniel P and Ivatts J (1998), Children and Social Policy, Macmillan Fox Harding, L (1997), Perspectives in Child Care, Longman 2nd ed. Ellison N. Pierson C. (1998), Developments in British Social Policy. MacMillan. Garatt D, Roche J Tucker S (1997), Changing Experiences of Youth. London. Sage Giullari , S and Shaw, M (2005), Supporting or controlling? New Labour’s housing strategy for teenage parents, Critical Social Policy, Vol. 25, No. 3, 402-417 Alissa Goodman and Michal Myck, 2005, Parental income and child outcomes: what can we learn from material deprivation? Mimeos, IFS publication John Hills and Kitty Stewart, A More Equal Society? New Labour, Poverty, Inequality and Exclusion, The Policy Press, 2005 Muncie, H, Wetherall, M, Langan M, Dallos, R Cochrane, A (1997), Understanding the Family, Open University Press Carol Smart Equal shares: rights for fathers or recognition for children? Critical Social Policy, Nov 2004; 24: 484 503. Websites: www.childpoverty.org Institute for Fiscal Studies website. www.ifs.org http://www.ifs.org.uk/publications.php www.childrights.org.uk www.sosig.ac.uk http://www.labour.org.uk/familiesandchildren04 New Labour report LSE http://www.lse.ac.uk/collections/pressAndInformationOffice/newsAndEvents/archives/2005/John_Hills_NewLabourReport.html
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Common risks, threats, and vulnerabilities Essay
1. What are some common hazards. menaces. and exposures normally found in the LAN-to-WAN Domain that must be mitigated through a superimposed security scheme? A superimposed security scheme will embrace Rouge protocols such as Bit excavation and P2P. Unauthorized web scanning and examining. and unauthorised entree to the web. 2. What is an Access Control List ( ACL ) and how is it utile in a superimposed security scheme? An ACL is a Control list which will let or deny traffic or devices based on specifications defined in the ACL. This ACL by and large is applied and configured on Firewalls. It is utile in a superimposed security attack because from an External point of view it become the first line of defence when hosts attempt to link to the web. 3. What is a Bastion Host? Provide an illustration of when a Bastion Host should be used and how. A â€Å"Bastion Host†is a host that is minimally configured package firewall incorporating merely necessary software/services. These are besides referred to as bare metal or â€Å"lite†and is managed to be overly secure through a minimalist attack. All traffic coming is directed to the Bastion or â€Å"screened host†. Outbound traffic is non sent through it. The most common menace to the Bastion Host is to the operating system that is non hardened with extra security applications. 4. Supply at least two illustrations of how the enclave demand to put a firewall at the margin can be accomplished. a. Puting a firewall between two routers and another firewall before a DMZ would be the best demand pick to utilize 5. What is the difference between a traditional IP Stateful Firewall and a Deep Packet Inspection Firewall? a. IP Stateful firewall review takes topographic point in bed 4. when traffic efforts to track the firewall a requested a beginning port and a finish port brace become portion of the session leting the beginning to have information. Stateful review firewalls solve the exposure of allowing all the high numbered ports by making a tabular array incorporating the outbound connexions and their associated high numbered port ( s ) . b. Firewalls utilizing deep package review provides sweetenings to Stateful firewalls’ Stateful firewall is still susceptible to assail even if the firewall is deployed and working as it should be. By adding application-o riented logic into the hardware. basically uniting IDS into the firewall traffic. Deep Packet Inspection uses an Attack Object Database to hive away protocol anomalousnesss and onslaught traffic by grouping them by protocol and security degree. 6. How would you supervise for unauthorised direction entree efforts to sensitive systems? Acl’s and audit logs can be leveraged to corroborate which station is trying to do the unauthorised connexion. 7. Describe Group ID ( Vulid ) : V-3057 in the Network IDS/IPS Implementation Guide provided by DISA? A direction waiter is a centralised device that receives information from the detectors or agents 8. What is the significance of VLAN 1 traffic within a Cisco Catalyst LAN Switch? Describe the exposures associated if it traverses across unneeded bole. VLAN1 traffic will incorporate the STP or crossing tree traffic. CDP traffic. and Dynamic trunking traffic to call a few. If unneeded traffic traverses the bole it could do the switch instability doing it to travel down or go inoperable. 9. At what logging degree should the syslog service be configured on a Cisco Router. Switch. or Firewall device? Syslogs traps should be configured at degrees 0-6. Loging Level 2 10. Describe how you would implement a superimposed. security scheme within the LAN-to-WAN Domain to back up authorised remote user entree while denying entree to unauthorised users at the Internet ingress/egress point. To implement a superimposed security scheme for distant user entree. we would get down with an application based login. such as a VPN -SSL hallmark so pair it with LDAP on a radius or Tacacs+ service. LDAP is bound to Active directory which will leverage Role based entree controls to look into group permissions. 11. As defined in the Network Infrastructure Technology Overview. Version 8. Let go of 3. describe the 3 beds that can be found in the DISA Enclave Perimeter layered security solution for Internet ingress/egress connexions ( i. e. . DMZ or Component Flow ) . 3 types of beds found in the Enclave Perimeter Component Flow include the Network layer security. Application layer security and security of the existent applications themselves. 12. Which device in the Enclave Protection Mechanism Component Flow helps extenuate hazard from users go againsting acceptable usage and unwanted web sites and URL links? The Web Content Filter 13. True or False. The Enclave Protection Mechanism includes both an internal IDS and external IDS when linking a closed web substructure to the public Internet. True. it is required to hold external IDS every bit good as internal IDS. Requirements include holding a firewall and IDS in between thecyberspace confronting router and the internal. â€Å"premise†. and router. 14. True or False. Procuring the enclave merely requires perimeter security and firewalls. False. procuring the enclave includes a superimposed firewall attack both on the interior and outside of the web. Sensitive informations can be secured from other sections of the internal web ( internal ) every bit good as Internet links ( external ) . 1 5. What is the primary aim of this STIG as is relates to web substructures for DoD webs? STIG. or Security Technical Implementation Guide. is an intended usher to diminish exposures and potency of losing sensitive informations. The usher focuses on web security. giving security considerations for the enforced web. The STIG besides covers the degree of hazards and the associated acceptable degrees to said hazards.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Best Term Paper Writing Company Tips & Guide
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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Dialogue Between Ophelia And Hamlet - 742 Words
William Shakespeare has written some of the greatest plays of all time regarding love and war. In the play, Hamlet, by William Shakespeare, Ophelia and Hamlet exchange many comments about their relationship while Hamlet wages a form of war on the King. It is widely up to interpretation if the comments exchanged signal a friendship or if they allude to something more. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia and Hamlet maintain a serious relationship, yet lack a sense of affection, which describes a very important lesson in respecting others. Dialogue between Hamlet and Ophelia clearly show that their relationship is real and ongoing. When talking to her father about Hamlet, Ophelia says,†He hath my lord, of late made many tenders of his†¦show more content†¦In act two, Ophelia says to Polonius, â€Å"As you did command I did repel his letters and denied his access to me. The words â€Å"repel†and â€Å"denied†are used to highlight how Ophelia di sregards Hamlet’s messages of love and affection. This further contributes to the idea that the two â€Å"lovers†don’t actually love each other. During an argument with Ophelia, Hamlet exclaims, â€Å"You should not have believed me †¦ I loved you not†(3.1). This feud between the two shows how they feel about each other. They disregard each others feelings which leads to a lack of appreciation for one another. The character’s lack of love can be attributed to a lack of respect, which teaches an important lesson. Hamlet’s failing relationship with Ophelia conveys the vital lesson of the importance of respecting others. In act two, Ophelia tells Polonius that Hamlet, â€Å"took me by the wrist and held me hard. Then he goes he to the length of all his arm†(2.2). Ophelia’s conversation with her father shows that she believes that her personal space has been violated. This helps illustrate the importance of respect in a rel ationship. During a later argument, Hamlet says to Ophelia, â€Å"Get thee to a nunnery. Why woulds’t thou be a breeder of sinners†(3.1). Hamlet’s words show his blatant disregard for Ophelia’s feelings. This ultimately is one of the major contributors to the failing relationship. During the play, Ophelia remarks to Hamlet thatShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Character Ophelia in Shakespeares Hamlet1312 Words  | 6 PagesThe Character Ophelia in Shakespeares Hamlet Ophelia is the daughter of Polonius, the right hand man of the King. Although she is only in five scenes Ophelia plays an interesting role in this play as the seemingly passive, melancholy, innocent little girl whose story ends in tragedy. From the beginning Ophelia is an obedient character who has real trouble thinking for herself. This could be seen as one of the reasons for her eventual downfall, due to her inabilityRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet - Conversation Enabler1332 Words  | 6 PagesShakespeare’s Hamlet, Ophelia is one of the most elusive characters of the play and her importance is very hard to pinpoint and has raised eyebrows for centuries. For example, the scene of her death is one that artists have depicted over and over, yet that iconic moment is merely alluded to and happens off stage. This reflects Ophelia’s character very well considering that she is often at the periphery of the action; more talked about then talked to. There are many questions surrounding Ophelia and manyRead MoreThe Tragedy Of Hamlet By William Shakespeare1427 Words  | 6 PagesWhy has Hamlet’s rage led him to a death that was destined to happen? Simple, his absolute motive was to seek revenge for the death of his father, who was once the King of Denmark. In this tragedy, Hamlet wanted to put on this image of an insane man. This would mislead the people aroun d him from his intentions of killing King Claudius, who is strangely his uncle and â€Å"father†simultaneously. Claudius takes the throne for Denmark after pouring poison down King Hamlet’s ear without leaving any evidenceRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet856 Words  | 4 PagesMacbeth, and Hamlet. For one of his famous works, Hamlet, Shakespeare uses plot to strengthen the point of corruption in the play. Another element used to further help the theme of the play is character. The final literary element used to explain the theme of corruption in the story is dialogue. William Shakespeare uses the dramatic elements of plot, character, and dialogue to illustrate the theme of corruption. William Shakespeare uses the plot to include the theme of corruption into Hamlet. The firstRead MoreHamlet Film Adaption Vs. Play Comparison1216 Words  | 5 PagesHamlet Film Adaption vs. Play Comparison Shakespeare’s Hamlet has countlessly been formatted into film depictions of the play. Each film seemed to be on one end of the spectrum of either being closely interpreted or completely remodeled a different idea of what Hamlet is. The film version of Hamlet released in 2000 seems to follow closely to the play in some aspects, yet at the same time having its own unique identity Despite there being many differences with the play Hamlet and the film adaptationRead More Essay on the Manipulation of Polonius and Ophelia in Hamlet987 Words  | 4 Pagesand Ophelia in Hamlet     The main plot of Shakespeares Hamlet centers around Prince Hamlets desire to repay King Claudius for his evil deeds. Around this central action revolve the stories concerning the minor characters of Polonius and Ophelia. Though they do not motivate Hamlets actions towards the King, these characters act as forces upon Hamlet himself, trying to spur him to do things he does not want to do. Both Polonius and Ophelia try, unsuccessfully, to manipulate Hamlet intoRead MoreFunction Of Shakespeare s Hamlet 1735 Words  | 7 PagesTravis Hedgepeth Kimberly Joyner Hon. English IV 11 December, 2015 Function of the soliloquies in Hamlet The soliloquy is a tool that helps reflect the inner thought of characters throughout the story, they bring out the thought process which could not be said in a normal conversation . This speech to the audience can be in the presence of other characters in the story plot but since it is one’s inner thought , they can not hear it. Shakespeare uses thisRead MoreEssay about The Relationship Between Hamlet and Ophelia947 Words  | 4 PagesThe Relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia Table of Contents 1. Introduction iii 2. Body iii 2.1 â€Å"I did love you once†iii 2.2 â€Å"I loved you not†iv 2.3 â€Å"This is I, Hamlet the Dane†v 3. Conclusion vi Bibliography vii Versicherung viii 1. Introduction Shakespeare’s Hamlet is by all means a troubled young man. He seeks revenge for the murder of his father and has to deal with the incestuous relationship between his mother and uncle. In order to hide his motives, he pretendsRead MoreOphelia, By William Shakespeare Essay766 Words  | 4 PagesOphelia, as a person, is essentially formed by the men in her life. This is not a radical idea: it has been embraced by centuries of Shakespeare critics. However, to go slightly deeper, one could consider what exactly the absence of Hamlet, Polonius, and Laertes has on her identity (outside of madness). This scene serves to force her into a new persona, as one without a personality. Ophelia is no longer a maid. 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