Saturday, May 23, 2020
compare and contrast three core theories of counselling
Compare and Contrast the Three Core Theories of Counselling The British Association for Counselling’s Code of Ethics and Practice for Counsellors states that ‘Counselling may be concerned with developmental issues, addressing and resolving specific problems, making decisions, coping with crisis, developing personal insight and knowledge, working through feelings of inner conflict or improving relationships with others’ (BACP Ethical Framework). Throughout this essay I will illustrate the similarities and differences between the three core theories by looking at the theory behind each concept, the nature of the client/counsellor relationship and the techniques used. The three core theories to be considered here are Humanistic,†¦show more content†¦Winnicot introduced the terms â€Å"true self†and â€Å"false self†into the Psychodynamic language in 1960 ( D. W. Winnicott, 1965, pp. 140-152.). This shows a similarity between the two theories as they both show how those who step away from their real self or true selves and live in the adapted self or false selves, can often become depressed and un-fulfilled in their lives. The adapted self can also be linked to the defence mechanisms used in Psychodynamic therapy as it is a way to protect one’s self from reality. Unlike Person-Centred therapy Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is a scientific model founded in the 1960’s by Aaron Beck. It joins the theories of both Cognitive therapy and behavioural. He noticed that many of his counselling clients had an â€Å"Internal dialogue†(Beck, 1979) that was often negative and self-defeating and influenced behaviour. He realised that by working on these internal dialogues and making them positive it could effectively lead to positive changes in the behaviour of the clients. CBT focuses on the images, self-belief and attitudes held by the client and how these things can affect the client’sShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding counselling theory. Essay example1389 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Macclesfield College ABC Level 3 Certificate in Counselling Skills Assignment 2 Understanding counselling theory. Unit 2- R/601/7575 Hana Lewis- 144383 ABC 17970-33 Contents Page 3 : Introduction. (157 words) Page 3 : Origins of Person- centred counselling (198 words) Page 4: Key concepts and principles of Person- centred counselling. (288 words) Page 5 : How does Person-centred counselling, influence the understanding of the development of concept of self? (245 words) Read MoreCOMPARISON AND CONTRAST THE THREE2573 Words  | 11 Pagesï » ¿COMPARISON AND CONTRAST THE THREE MAIN CORE COUNSELLING THEORIES There are three main theories of counselling: Person Centred Counselling, C. Rogers, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, A Beck and Psychodynamic, S. Freud. 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